Thursday, January 23, 2014

"The Song Goes! And The Kid, With It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                             "Director: Helen, Neely O'Hara can't hurt you!
                                              Helen Lawson:  You bet your sweet ass she can't!
                                                The only hit that comes out of a Helen Lawson
                                              show, is Helen Lawson, and that's ME, baby!"
                                                 --Susan Hayward as Helen Lawson, in
                                                       "Valley Of The Dolls" (1967)

                                     You're not kidding, dolls!  That Streisand thing might have been hot, fifty years ago, but it is time for her to hang it up, because it is MY turn now! That's right!

                                         Helen Lawson had a point, and so did Neely. Remember, during the tryout of Neely's show, "Tell Me, Darling!," she says, "Allison has got to go!  I won't have her ruining the show! She almost walked off with it, at dress rehearsal!" You better believe I agree with Neely, dolls; unfortunately, she has her drug decline, leading up to the great gutter scene, and when Allison is finally seen, ready to go on as understudy to Neely, she turns out to be a Streisand wannabe and lookalike!!!!!!!!!  How catty of the filmmakers, huh?????????  Not even Jackie Susann thought of that!

                                           But the thing is, you cannot let these amateurish upstarts upstage you, darlings!  We are the divas, we got to where we are before these creatures were amoebas---and maybe some of them should have stayed amoebas--and this turf belongs to us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Don't let anyone take yours away from you!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 You think they can have mine???????????????????

                                                 Nothing can destroy our talents, dolls!   Just make sure we don't destroy ourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Not a chance, with me! I will destroy someone else first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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