Monday, January 20, 2014

No One Said Diners Were Bastions Of High Class, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!! But There Is No Excuse For This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             I was raised in Jersey, girls, so, of course, I know something about diners!  New Jersey, besides being the Garden State, is said to have the most diners in the USA, and the book, "The History Of Diners In New Jersey," by Michael C. Gabriele, was written last year, and a picture book, "Jersey Diners," by Peter Genovese (a REAL Jersey name, darlings!!!!!!!!) came out in 2006.

                            But diners are everywhere.  And last Wednesday, January 15, a hate crime took place that morning, at the Neptune Diner in Astoria, one of the gayest sections of the borough.

                            Go figure!  Two women, and a man, walked in, and began verbally assaulting two diners,-- a 30-year-old transgender woman, and her 32-year-old male companion-- tossing anti-gay slurs at them, culminating in  bashing them over the head with plates!!!!!!!  Believe me, these morons are not literate enough for the film version of "August:Osage County," so I doubt they were influenced by that.  They just struck out with whatever was in front of them!

                             But who gives a shit who sits in a diner in Queens?  What are you gonna get--cooties????????  This trio needs a padded cell!!

                               I also have to wonder if the crime was racially motivated as well.  I don't know the ethnicity of the victims, but the perps look African American.  And race and sexual orientation are the two most explosive motives for attacks in this country!

                                Which says a lot about how backwards we really are!  So much for technology!  Instead of performing mental masturbation on your Smart Phones, go take some civil liberties, or how to deal with people, courses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I have dined in many diners in Queens, over the years!   But not the Neptune!

                                  Hell, I am not going there, now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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