Monday, January 20, 2014

A Belated Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           You girls heard on here, about Luise Rainer reaching 104!!!!!!!!!  Well, with all the running around, yesterday, I neglected to mention that Tippi Hedren, a favorite on this blog, dolls, celebrated her 84th birthday, yesterday!  Hope we all look as coiffed at 84, as Tippi does!

                              And this is how I want to look, when I do Tippi's famous walk across Grant Street, on my next rip to San Francisco!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Happy Birthday, Tippi!!!!!!!!!!!  Wonder if you had fowl for dinner??? And doesn't she look better than her daughter, girls?????????  Too bad Melanie did not heed Mama's advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Tippi shows what a salon visit, and a course in semantics  at Berkley can do!  So start planning now, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Hoping to see you here, at 85, Tippi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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