Monday, January 20, 2014

"Gonna Tryyyyyyyyyyyy Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Flying Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                           Darlings, you would not believe the day we had, yesterday!  It was Monsieur's Birthday Lunch, with Uncle Ernest, at--where else???--the Second Avenue Deli!!!!!--and it was a riot!  I kept humming the "Theme To Rocky," and picturing Uncle Ernest doing the famous Philadelphia running scene, especially as his hearing is so bad, as well as his eyesight, plus he is talking of doing a 300 mile drive, by himself, to Rochester, New York!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            The lunch was par for the course!  Monsieur and Uncle Ernest had corned beef sandwiches; I had a turkey salad, but I want to tell you, by the time we got home, my stomach was a bit upset, and I had to remedy it.  I do not want to hear the word "colonoscopy" for another two years (when I am due!!!!) so I am trying to play it down!  So, we will see!

                             But, girls, you should have witnessed the calculated, deafening silence, when Monsieur mentioned to Uncle Ernest the idea of us getting wed!  Wait till he hits him up for the wedding!  He probably really will do that "Rocky" run!  But, we know how to track him down!  Torture him!  Lure him into a gay bar!!!!!  Hee!  Hee!  Hee!

                             Thank God for our friend, Judy, who bailed us out of this mess, and cheered us up!

                              Meanwhile, here is the famous "Rocky" scene!  Think of Uncle Ernest, as you watch!

                              "Gonna fly now!  Uncle Ernest!  Fly!  Flyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!"

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