Monday, January 20, 2014

Why Doesn't Passages Malibu Talk About This Addiction??????????????????

                                   Actually, if you watch those commercials, girls, none of them ever mention any specific addiction.  But there is one in particular, which I am sure goes ignored.

                                   Remember the famous "Seinfeld" episode on muffin tops????????  There is more truth to it, than one may realize!  Because I am developing a new addiction to them.

                                     When I take my afternoon 4PM break, at work, the first thing I have to do is leave the building, for the sake of my sanity.  I always have coffee--that is a given--but where I get the coffee, a deli up the street, they sell the most attractively topped muffins, and the best are these chocolate ones, filled with chocolate chips.  I have developed this nasty habit--now, remember, I am also trying to lose weight!!!!--of buying a muffin, taking it with the coffee to a nearby park, scrunching up in a corner, so I can use a landscape ledge as a table, and covetously munch on the muffin top.  I like to pull the chocolate chip individually from the muffin, and have it melt in my mouth, with the coffee!  Better than LSD, even though I never took it!  Then, I start picking off and around the crunchy top, because that crunchiness gives a great high, too. especially since it is chocolate.  There is always the disappointing eventuality  of no more top, because who wants the gushy cake part??????  Someone has to invent a muffin that is all top!  Like butch men, in a gay bar!!!!!!!!!

                                    I have to rid myself of this addiction, but I do not think Passages Malibu can help. Maybe another trip back to Mother Miriam in New Orleans, which would do wonders, anyway!

                                     And, of course, Monsieur and I are thin king of getting married this year!  A Summer Wedding!  Me, a June bride--maybe!!!!   My addictive thinking has got to the point where I am thinking of having the wedding cake be one gigantic chocolate chocolate chip muffin top, which people can just randomly pick from!  Yummy!!!!!!!!!!

                                      But, how will my cake designer handle it???????????????



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