Monday, January 13, 2014

Oh, My God! A Day On Lon Gilsand, With Auntie Alvin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             I can still count on my fingers, girls, the number of times I have been in "Lon Gilsand," which is exactly the right way to pronounce it, girls!!!!!!!!  What you may not know--as I am about to reveal this for the first time--is that I very nearly grew up there.  Sometime, oh, about when I was in the third grade, my father was mulling over  moving  to his company's office, out on Garden City, which meant we would have to have moved there!  Who can tell how things might have turned out, though, considering my personality and talents, I have a feeling it would have been pretty much the same!

                              The reason we were in Lon Gilsand, was because, to honor both our birthdays,  Auntie Alvin was taking us out to a Portuguese restaurant he sort of knew about, located in Mineola!!!!!!!!!

                                But, what an adventure we had, getting there!  I am telling you, we must have sped through all the major venues in LI--Garden City, Hempstead, North Shore--I am telling you, I had no idea this area was so isolated and desolate.  Even more so than Jersey!!!!!!!!  And, while in the back of my mind, I always knew Lon Gilsand was always known as "Serial Killer Central," and I could certainly understand why (because If I had lived out here, I might have turned into one!!!!) serial killers were the last thing on my mind, because, just as we pulled into a strip mall--Lon Gilsand is a whole world of them, darlings!!!--where we went to an arts and crafts shop., and a bird store (actually near the restaurant) that made me feel so much like Tippi Hedren, I found myself inevitably looking for Ruth McDevittt, as the owner, I was hit with something!!!!!!!

                              This actually turned out to be the restaurant, and it was superb!  From the time we pulled in to the strip mall, I was struck with what I thought was going to explode into an ongoing stomach/intestinal virus.  It got to the point where I considered maybe we should go home, though nothing as serious as that time, in the Brooklyn Museum, with Dan and Norma!!!!!!!!!!  Fortunately, by the time we sat down to our table, it had gone away, and a good thing, for the meal was scrumptious.  Monsieur and Auntie Alvin had Grilled Bairrada, while I opted for the Grilled Pork Loins, which were flavorful yet mild.  A variety of condiments--potatoes, carrots, broccoli, rice, real potato chips to accompany our entrees, and white sangria to wash it down.  Plus two scrumptious deserts--something called Malatov for Monsieur, and Heavenly White for me, both sweet, made with egg whites, light, fluffy, and oh so GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Darlings, if I could down a meal like that, I guess I was not sick!  Must have been an attack of menopause!!!!!!!!!  Afterwards, Auntie Alvin whisked us home, satisfied, but grateful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 But what an adventure!  Hope I don't see Lon Gilsand again, for a real lon gtime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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