Monday, January 13, 2014

That Amber Hilberling! Put Her Away For Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Remember the 1961 Natalie Wood-Warren Beatty film, "Splendor In The Grass", darlings???????  The one we all know and love????????  Set in Kansas during the Twenties, just before the Depression, it focuses on Bud and Deanie, two kids caught up in the craziness of first love.  But, as their story plays out, and we wind up at the end, it is clear that, while love was in the picture, more is required to sustain a relationship.  There are some who feel the movie's ending is unsatisfactory.  I think it is just perfect.  Had Bud and Deanie actually gotten married, they would never have been happy.

                                   I was reminded of all this, as I watched the story of Josh and Amber Hilberling, on ID!!!!!!  Like Bud and Deanie, they were two young kids in love.  The difference was they got married, and Amber, unlike Deanie, was a Grade A bitch (the kind worth of BOTW in any week!!!!!!!!!)  and she abused her husband--just like that no good Charlotte Bayes!

                                    I wish the program had given us more on Amber's early background.  Abusers usually develop from having been abused themselves, so what made Amber the ticking time bomb she was????  Poor Josh; 23, naive, he was in way over his head.  The first thing I want to know is, how did they afford that high rise apartment in Tulsa, from which Josh fell to his death, from the 25th floor, on June 7, 2011?????????  Did his military pay cover that?  Guess they pay better than I thought!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Why they needed to be on the 25th floor raises my suspicions right away!!!!!!!!!  That Amber!!!!!!  Nineteen, married, and pregnant????????  Dumb!!!!!!!!!!!  But, hey, she was in love, this was her choice, so just because the fairy tale ends, is no reason to abuse your  husband!  Calling him "weak," a "wuss"and, according to a neighbor who overheard him crashing through the window, "a bastard!!!!!!!"  By his own wife, just before she pushes him out the window, where he fell only 17 stories, his fall broken by an eighth floor embankment!  Enough to make him dead, you better believe it!

                                          Amber got the imprisonment she deserved, though she claimed it was an accident!  Ooops!   Sorry, Amber, this is something you cannot fix!

                                           But, why 25 years, and not Life?????????  Maybe when it is time for release, she will be reviewed, and sent back to that cell, where she should stay, till she croaks!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             And thank God someone else is raising the child Amber gave birth to!  Like Charlotte Bayes, if she is abusing the husband, it's a hop, skip and jump, before she is soon abusing the child/children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Rot in jail...."Forever Amber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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