Tuesday, January 7, 2014

One Of The Most Anticipated Films Of 2014, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     "San Francisco! Open your Golden Gate! That's
                                                         where a stranger waits, at your door!"
                                                        --Classic Song

                                  I don't know about you, girls, but, for me, the first truly anticipated film of this year will be the 2014 "Godzilla."  I still prefer calling him by his true name, "Gojia," but ever since he was first dumbed down for American audiences in 1956, with not only a name change, but Raymond Burr, Hollywood has had no true respect for this awesome star.

                                   This will be his first screen appearance, since that abominable 1998 version, 16 years ago. In that film, he did not even look the way he should have, and the special effects people did not even get it right, because it was impossible that a creature of that size could navigate through the city, as it was constructed by the FX folk.  Gag me with a spoon!  I was waiting for the creature--who did not even look like the Godzilla/Gojira we know and love, so what was the point of that? --to at least stomp on Matthew Broderick!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Well, times have changed, and so has Gojira!  Though still called Godzilla, he will be back to his his more recognizable appearance.  He will breathe fire, stand on two legs, and have those famous spikes running down his back, accompanied by his elongated tail.  But, he is also going to be lean and mean!!!!!!!

                                      I have it from Gojira himself that his fans should not get too upset!  After all, as he explains, it is just a movie, and an actor has to go where the work is--even a 15 story tall reptile!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       This movie surrounds him with some former A-Listers--Elizabeth Olsen, Sally Hawkins, Juliette Binoche, and David Strathairn, which not only gives you an idea of where their careers are headed, as the Big One will out act them all, but I understand Gojira is a bit disappointed with the casting.  He really wanted to work with Meryl Streep, and he has been on record as saying he would love to work with Amy Adams, too!  According to local gossip, Meryl is anxious to work with him.  More so than when she had to work with Julia Roberts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        This version of the story should be fun, darlings, because here, the monster heads for San Francisco. Hell, he probably wants to see Chinatown, stroll along the Castro, and maybe do the Tippi Hedren walk, across Grant Street!  A girls' just gotta have fun, you know??????  And wouldn't he look something, in heels?????????

                                           So, I cannot wait to see this movie!  It is being billed as a Summer Movie, which makes sense, though I have heard a target release date of May 14!!!!!!!  We shall see, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            But, Gojira, to so many of us, you are still the Greatest Star!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            And the most lovable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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