Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Most Lethal Bike Rider Since Miss Gulch, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I have to confess, girls, when this program first aired on ID, about a year ago, I was not the slightest bit interested. Despite my almost avocational fascination with serial killers, I figured, what could happen in Alaska?   Too damn cold to go out, and kill anybody!  Hell, just think what we are gong through in NYC, right now!  Too cold is too cold, no matter where it is!

                                            But life has a way of closing in on one. I have this friend, Angie, whom I have known for years, ever since we were in college.  This Spring, in fact, we will have known each other 48--yes!--years!  Well, she came to visit Monsieur and I in October, then disappeared.  I mean, disappeared.  Not even a word, email, what have you, on my birthday in November.  The Holidays came along, and I got caught up in all the attendant hoopla surrounding them, but, as things winded down, I began wondering about Angie, again.  Not a word.  I had emailed.  I had cell phoned.  Nothing was going on.

                                              Then, "Alaska Ice Cold Killers," started running ads about their new season, commencing with an episode detailing a set of murders in Russian Jack Springs Park.  My mind started spinning.  Could Angie have been one of them???

                                                 Fortunately, I was wrong!  Because the park victims were all in their teens, and Angie and I are well beyond that. Oh, boy, are we!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   These poor unfortunate kids were murdered by a guy named Charles L. Meach.  He had also beaten to death a grocery clerk in Earthquake Park, done time at a mental health facility in California (his mother had been a schizophrenic, so guess whose gene pool he inherited???) and eventually he ended up in the Anchorage area, and in the Alaska Psychiatric Institute, also know as API.

                                                     They are the ones I hold responsible for the murders.  Oh, Charles committed them, but if API had not behaved in the fashion it did, allowing themselves to be manipulated by Charles, there may not have been any killings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Because he had conned those in authority at API, into thinking his treatment was working, when it wasn't, he was allowed occasionally, for good behavior, when he would ride his bicycle all over the place.  He murdered the teens in the park on May 3, 1982!!!!!!!!!

                                                         Just like Miss Gulch! She was out to get Toto, and now this lethal bike rider is out to get anyone who just happens to piss him off.  Miss Gulch, as you may recall, got carried away in the cyclone, while the Wicked Witch Of The West melted!  At the age of 56, in the Cook Inlet Jail, on December 9, 2004. Meach died of natural causes.  Oh, really???????  I wonder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                            At least I know my friend Angie is OK now!  But, as for Alaska, forget that "Northern Exposure" crap!  There's is more danger lurking up there, than cute wolves and moose!!!!!!!!!

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