Thursday, January 9, 2014

This Book Has Absolutely Nothing To Do With The Macaulay Culkin Film, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   It certainly does not, darlings, but it has something to do with the winner of the Raving Queen  Bitch Of The Week Award, who is pictured below.  The man you are seeing is Andrew Wamsley, and, on the evening of December 11, 2003, his parents, Rick and Suzanna, were shot and stabbed to death in their Mansfield, Texas home!  Merry Fucking Christmas, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    This scum, now doing a Life sentence in prison, murdered his parents, so he and his friends could collect on the Wamsleys' $1.65 million estate.  To someone with no money and no scruples, this may seem a king's ransom, but, let me tell you, in today's economy, this would go nowhere pretty fast!  Hardly seems the trouble murdering anyone for such a paltry amount.

                                       And Andrew was so damn dumb!  You know why?  Because, even though he wanted the money, even though he wanted his parents dead, this 19-year-old did not have the guts to do it! He let his friends do it for him!  The whole thing was masterminded by his girl friend, Chelsea Richardson!

                                        Here she is, and let me tell you, doesn't she look like some piece of trash?  Well, she is!  She grew up in the working class section of Mansfield--you know, their version of Goat Alley!!!!!--and once she met Andrew and his wealthy family, she thought she was going to  ride the gravy train to financial heaven!!!!!!!!!!  So, she concocted the idea of killing Andrew's parents for the money, got him to go along with it, but guess what?  When push came to shove, not even Chelsea had the guts to pull the trigger, or plunge the knife.  So, (don't ask me how) she got her friend, and roommate, Susana Toledano, to do it!
It was she who actually broke into the Wamsleys' home, and did the deed!

                                         Chelsea, without question, is the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.  Ever since "The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia," and most likely well before that, there have been all sorts of chronicles of men getting mixed up with street trash, and the consequences they had to face, as a result.  Here is another!  Miss Entitlement Chelsea (though she has NO class!) wanted it all, inflicted her needs on Andrew and Susana, and got them to do her dirty work!

                                             Each of these pieces of scum is doing Life. Originally, Chelsea was given the Death sentence, but her sentence was commuted to Life.

                                                With the deal she cut, Susana will be eligible for parole in 2034, but don't count on it happening!  She is locked up, where she belongs!!!!!!!!!

                                                  But it is Chelsea who is the Bitch Of The Week.  These perps needed an instigator, to make the crime happen; without Chelsea, it is most likely the Wamsley's would still be alive!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Bet you don't age in prison too well, Chelsea!  No beauty salons, there!!!!!!!!

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