Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Time Has Come, Girls, To Talk About The Importance Of Fresh Linen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            I simply cannot stress this enough, loves, especially in this harsh Winter weather, we are getting, when skin chaps, cracks, and itches!!!!!!!!  Yuck!   Never much fun!  Of course, a good moisturizer can work wonders, there, but then you have to cover yourself, or wrap yourself in, when you sleep, the freshest of linens.

                             And when it came to this topic, no one knew better than Mrs. Danvers in "Rebecca."  It's the one thing you have to hand to the old bat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Here she is, showing Joan Fontaine Rebecca's underwear and linen!!!!!!!  Note the look on Joan's face--the poor thing does not know what to do, or is she embarrassed by what she has on, underneath???????????

                                    As Mrs. D said, the linen was made especially for Rebecca  by the nuns from the convent of St. Claire's!!!!!!!!  Darlings, I want to know where this place is, pronto, so I can order me up a supply of fresh linen, both bed things and undergarments!  How much fresher can it be, when made from nuns???????

                                    Not only that, but I believe the nuns at this convent were also blind!  And look at the fine handiwork!!!!!!!!!  Who says miracles do not happen in, Catholicism??????????????//

                                      Let's all put our orders in right now!  At least those nuns will pocket our cash to a worthwhile charity!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        If you let Mrs. Danvers do it, she will only pocket the dough, herself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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