Thursday, January 16, 2014

Two Bitches, Cut From The Same Cloth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          The larger girl pictured, Brandy Stevens-Rosine, is not the Bitch Of The Week. Rather, she is the victim of the other two girls, who, collectively, are the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                                         What is going on, darlings?????? Because, not only are bitches crawling out of the woodwork; more and more, they are coming in pairs.  It's like, all of a sudden, people are so desperate for any kind of fame or honor, that they will even settle for being named Bitch Of The Week on this blog!

                                              Which makes some kind of sense. Because the day on which the winners, Jade Olmstead and Ashley Barber, earned this distinction--May 17, 2012-- this blog was operating full force.

                                                 The real tragedy was the death of Brandy Stevens-Rosine, who was a sweet girl, trying to come to terms with herself as a lesbian.

                                                   The way the story goes, when Brandy discovered her sexuality, it caused conflict at home, especially with her mother.  Nothing out of the ordinary there; straight teens often have parental conflict, so imagine the added difficulty of being gay!

                                                      So, Brandy would go and live with her grandmother, who was nearby, and where she felt safer to be herself.  While living there, she met and befriended Jade Olmstead, who had, basically, been cast aside by her family, for being gay.  For a time, the two lived with Jade's grandmother, but while Brandy wanted commitment, Jade did not, and the two went their separate ways.  Which resulted in Jade meeting another girl, Ashley Barber, and taking up with her.  However, Jade wanted to keep up a friendship with Brandy, whom she seemed to still like, but Ashley wanted no part of this, because the possessive predator, wanted Jade to herself.

                                                       On May 17, 2012, the girls invited Brandy to their place in Crawford County, Pennsylvania, ostensibly for a visit. They showed Ashley around, directing her to a lovely wooded area behind their house, far from prying eyes, where they strangled, stabbed, bludgeoned, did just about everything they could to kill Brandy, who was actually not dead, when they covered her in dirt. She was buried alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          Ashley was the instigator, and she is some kind of monster. But what sort of evil thing is Jade, who went along with this, killing the woman who had befriended her.  She could not see that Ashely was bad news??????? And I don't buy the idea she was afraid of Ashely. If she was, she would have broken it off with Brandy, the minute she was told!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                            Brandy's partially decomposed body was found, just six days later, on May 23, 2012.  The girls were arrested, went to trial, but not before Ashley delivered the final blow--in court, she read a letter to Brandy's mother, sitting right there, which said, "I fucking murdered your 20-year-old mistake. She deserved it."

                                                               Nice, huh?  You can bet Ashley, and Jade, too, will never see the light of day again.  Maybe the inmates will go after Ashley. And, for a lesbian, she certainly seems almost self-hating.  But, then you are dealing with someone with psychosis.

                                                                 So, these two gals earn Bitch Of The Week.  But don't wait for any more accolades, dears!!!!!!!!!!!  This will be the last one you two  ever get!

                                                                   Lethal injection for these two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. My name is Kylie,i dont even know if you still keep up to date on this page anymore but, Brandy is my stepsister. Shes my family. I wanted to say i know some of this is for dramatic effect but jade and brandy talked for while after they split, ashley warned brandy but jade didnt block her number or anything, she still continued to talk to her. Not only did jade not want to be in a relationship with her she stole her iPod and money the night she left to go to ashleys. The day she died is the day jade called her and told her to come over and they can go for a walk, yes, in the woods. he drove from her place at her grandmothers to PA, she got there and talked with jade and they went further into the woods and ashley was waiting there. they stabbed her, strangled her with a rope hit her with a brick to the point her brain was leaking out. they thought she was dead, she wasnt. she let out a gasp when they put her in that hole. they grabbed a rock and repeatedly hit her on her head, then buried her. her last breath was filled with dirt. Brandy was such a kind person, she had her moments but she was always kind. i remember the last time i saw her, she had to stay for a little over our house and she was playing guitar hero. The letter Ashley wrote, god that letter. She didn't just say what you put, she continued to say rude and hateful things in that letter not only to her mother but to brandy herself.She said and i quote "Do i feel guilty? No" Jades letter was a simple im sorry, and a few tears. seeing my family hurt has much as they did, as much as i did. kills me, and thats what ashley wanted. for all of us to hurt, she got it. i watched my stepsister Stephanie, brandys sister breakdown on her coffin at her funeral. she had to be dragged out, she only stayed for a few minutes because she couldn't handle being there. steph is now a mother of two. one is turning 2 very soon and shes going to be giving birth to the other one very soon also, they're boys. Oh,if you're wondering if they did anything to her in prison,jade is still there but ashley. Shes in a all men prison, ashley is now a he and i could care more of what name he goes by. he is still a disgrace on this world. I now see why brandy loved her first love so much and would just go right back like she did that day, i am too a lesbian and lesbian break ups are not easy. i haven't heard anything from what they're doing inside prison, i would much rather both of them be dead. Last, they're not bitches, they're monsters that walked on this earth and will rot in hell.


  2. Kylie,
    All I can say is I am terribly
    sorry for your pain, neither you
    or Brandy deserved this. Ashley
    is now a he? How and when did
    that happen?

    You tell a compelling and interesting
    story. But peace of mind is more important
    than narrative. I hope you find a way to heal.
    Good luck!
