Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Isn't This Just The Cutest Thing, Dolls?????????????????????

                                   Have you seen the ads for the new anti-Christ flick, "The Devil's Due," which opens this Friday?  Forget the classiness of "The Omen," when you had real actors like Gregory Peck and Lee Remick; forget imaginative cinematography, because this is going to be shot in the usual "mockumentary" style of today, popularized 15 years before by "The Blair Witch Project," with the tradition still carried on by the "Paranormal Activity" movies.

                                       The most interesting thing about this anti-Christ baby is going to be its birth!  I think the woman will practically have to have a Cesarean, because the trailer shows her screaming on the couch, with something moving up and down her stomach, like He Who Walks Among The Rows, from "Children Of The Corn!" So, I think this baby is going to pop out of the stomach, like in "Alien!!!!!!!"
Surprise, Mommy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         I can't wait to see this trash, and I will report to you girls on every trashy bit. Meanwhile, here is Devil Baby himself!  Get a gander--he is a real scene stealer, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Just like ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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