Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Here Is Some Exciting News, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             All of us are eagerly looking forward to the coming of Spring.  And now we have something to look forward to, girls!

                                               The Metropolitan Museum Of Art's famed Costume Institute is going to reopen, being renamed the Anna Wintour Costume Center!  Darlings, this will be the not-to-be-missed event of the Spring!  You can be sure Anna will be there, to receive this honor, and I have no  doubt Grace will be with her.  And wherever Anna and Grace are is where I try so desperately to be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Quite an honor for Anna,who turned 64, just two months ago, looking in her mid-Forties!!!!!!!!!!   I can only hope to look as good as Anna, as long as I keep walking.

                                                     I will let you know the date of this event, as soon as I find out!  I don;t want to miss it, and I don't want any of my girls to, either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       Go, Anna!!!!!!!!!!  See you soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

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