Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What Happens When The Home Grown Monsters Become Real, Darlings????????????????????????

                                               We all like to read novels about home-made monsters, like "The Bad Seed," and "The Other," both for the campiness of one, and the poetic lyricism of the latter.  But, when one is confronted with the situation in real life, there is no campiness or poetry about it. No sir, indeed!

                                                  Such was the case with the Brandt famil.  Charles Brandt, .born sometime in 1957, in Indiana, clearly had things wrong with him that were not addressed early enough. So much so, that, on the night of January 3, 1971, Charles, then thirteen, and armed with a shotgun, murdered his mother and unborn sibling, and tried to kill the sister and father. He was sent to a juvenile psychiatric facility, but it did not help, nor did it not help when Charles, apparently, get an follow up treatment. And, when he was realized, his father, who could not face the shame, moved the children away from the area, making them promise to say their mother died in a car accident.

                                                     By September 2, 2004, he had married a wife, Teri, and developed a more than unhealthy obsession about her niece, Michelle.  While staying at Michelle's during an evacuation from Hurricane Ivan, in Maitland, Florida, Charles lost it, murdering both his wife and niece, then following it with a suicide by hanging in the garage.  What a sad ending to a sad life that did not have to result in the ending of lives of innocent people.

                                                       Prior to the visit, he stopped to see his father and sister, in what, unknown to them, was a farewell. He knew what he was going to do!  Shame on the father, and shame on the psychiatric community, for failing to prevent this tragedy.


                                                           I am telling you, girls, when those red flags go up, heed what you see!
Head for the hills, call 911, do anything you can to avert disaster.

                                                             Even if it involves accosting the potential cause of the disaster, first!!!!!!!!

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