Tuesday, January 7, 2014

When Legends Come Home To Roost, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Like the song says, it is cold outside, there, babies, so, in order to lure me out on such a freezing night, it has to be something special.  A cabaret appearance by Ann Morrison is certainly that, but, as it turned out, this was an unusually special evening.

                                 Do I need to say that Ann was the original Mary Flynn in the musical, "Merrily We Roll Along," and owns the role?  Probably not, but just for the few who may be thrown, I include this salient fact once more.

                                   I was at Ann's debut at 54 Below, and it was a winner!  But so was last night!  First of all, Ann's lovely, controlled voice, just brimming with musical know how, is enough to warm anyone on a cold Winter's night; better than brandy, for those of us who don't drink.  She was loved by all, and while she kept the act high spirited, I enjoyed her more introspective pieces, many of which I was not familiar with.

                                   Of course, she tore the place apart with "Now You Know!"  And I loved her stories of recreating stage musicals in her childhood.  Reminds me of yours truly, darlings, who, for example, would stand in front of the TV set, when "Bye Bye Bridie" was aired, and would do the title song, and run to the camera--just like Ann-Margret!!!!!!!!!!!!  Ann admits to being a storyteller, and she is very skillful here; the patter is never calculated, but manages to connect with her audience.  Only Ann has lived Ann, but her musings manage to give us glimpses into ourselves!  At least, it works for me, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  She looked stunning, and when she finally kicked off those heels, I wanted to say, "You go, girl!!!!!!"  As I have said on here before, I don't know how Tippi Hedren did it!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I just loved her rendition of "Anyone Can Whistle."  But, as I said there were two special surprises.  Many of us who are Ann fans have heard for years about son Huckleberry (Huck) Walton.  Well, last night, we got to see him--in person, and on stage, and let me tell you, girls--he is a tall, blond, cute thing, with a gorgeous voice.  I was amazed how well he and his mother's voices blended in their rendition of "No More" from "Into The Woods."  Hell, Huck could do an act of his own; he is that good!
Plus, girls of all types will just flip over him!

                                     But the absolute highlight of the evening, dolls, was what I called the "Our Time " segment.  Now, you have to remember, when Ann and Company were on Broadway in'Merrily' I was a very tender 26.  So, the first time I heard "Our Time," I thought it a gorgeous song, beautifully performed, but its meaning did not grab me immediately, because, like those kids on the roof, I was also young, and, unlike them, my life was not going backwards.  But, let me tell you, loves, something happens when you reach 40; forget about beyond that, because, during this period I gave "Merrily' a listen, and when it got to "Our Time" it just hit me in the chest, and tore me apart.  I cannot hear that song, now,  without tears pouring down my cheeks.  Well, let me tell you, they flowed last night; in fact the cleaning crew at 54 Below must have a big mopping job to do this morning, because, not only did Ann launch into a moving rendition of a song that has meant so much to she and the audience, she was joined out of the audience, by another 'Merrily' player, and Musical Star in her own right--Liz Callaway!!!!  Who, incidentally, was Ann's understudy in 'Merrily!'  When the two launched into the song, the entire room cried real tears, feeling drenched, but wrapped in an emotional cocoon of love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   So, besides Ann, I have to thank Huck and Liz!  I cannot wait to see this documentary she mentioned that Lonny Price is making!!!!!!!!!!  And I hope Ann makes another return to New York!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Like I said, girls, warmer than a keg of brandy!!!!!!!!  With no headache, afterward!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Thank you my dear for such a glowing review! What fun the whole evening was!
    Let's be friends forever!
    Bright Blessings,


  2. Hi, Ann!
    Absolutely! It was a wonnderful evening. Hope you return to NYC later this year, with more!
    Wishing you the best!
