Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Andrea And Philip....Two Peas In A Pod, Darlings???????????????????????????

                             It's hard, sometimes for even I, being the Raving Queen, to keep up with everything. no matter how hard I try! What, with the recent array of parties, galas and buffets I had to go to, not to mention this is Oscar week, so I am expected at another party, plus I have to be fitted for the Mainbocher knockoff I plan to wear that evening, not to mention getting in a birthday dinner  with Uncle Ernest, and a screening of "Rebecca!!!!!!!!!"

                              And you thought all this was easy??????????????/

                               So, I am just getting around to reading not only Andrea Peyser's diatribe on Philip Seymour Hoffman in the NY Post, but all the attendant hoopla surrounding it.  Of course, I am going to weigh in, now, and, for those who don't like it, well...that is why I am the Raving Queen!

                                  The first thing I have to say is I really do not see the reason for all the fuss. Let's face it, Andrea is just being....Andrea!  Those of us in the know realize she is a Fascist, who dreams at night of looking attractive, made up like Eva Peron, while she trills "Don't Cry For Me, Argentina" from a terrace, as did Patti Lu Pone in "Evita."  Only, Andrea will never realize this, during the light of day.

                                     But the fact of the matter is--I sort of agree with her, here. Where she is misguided is, because she wouldn't dare deal with where Hoffman's addiction came from.

                                      One publication accused Andrea of calling Hoffman a selfish jerk.  Well, I have news for your, darlings--HE WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Anyone educated beyond the fourth grade understands that what addicts are most looking for is escape.  It is just the nature of what they want to escape from that differs. And in the case of Philip Seymour Hoffman, what he wanted to escape from was his closet homosexuality.

                                             You got that, Andrea?  He could not lead an honest life, so he led a closeted one, the kind many guys in Hollywood do, because they are so afraid that if they don't "play the game" they will never get hired.

                                                  I have news for you!  If enough male actors out there refuse to "play the game" then the barriers wouldl break down, and they woudl still get hired!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Does anyone stop to think of this???????????/

                                                    Philip's guilt, cowardice, ambition--probably all three--made him unable to be honest, and lead the life he  should have. He stayed in the closet, but, to compensate for his guilt, he resorted to drugs as an escape, thereby becoming an addict.

                                                      Andrea Peyser, of course, misses the point.  If those who feel closeted could face themselves honestly, they might be free of the clutches--alcohol, drugs, bearded wives--into which they have been placed to try and cover the truth they do not want to face up to.

                                                          Face it instead, guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          But Philip had additional problems as well.   As I have stated, he was NOT my favorite actor, I felt him overrated, but he did have talent.  What he did not have was looks!!!!!!!!!

                                                             Philip Seymour Hoffman might have been gay, and talented, but he was also fat and ugly, and, in the gay world, that is social suicide!!!!!!!!!! I mean, I have never forgotten hearing the audience, and myself scream, at the opening shot of "Before The Devil Knows Your Dead," where his fat, sorry naked body and ass is banging into Marisa Tomei;s more supple naked body from behind!  I mean, how did he expect to get a date?  Maybe at Girth and Mirth (now called the Big Man's Club) at the Center, but anywhere else????????????? Come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                              Andrea was right about Philip being a selfish jerk. She just did not understand why. Or refused to.

                                                                 I know what some out there must think--how dare I?  Well, let me just say, in case this goes viral, in case I am inundated with attacks and threats, I have just one last thing to say.

                                                                    To quote the great Gena Rowlands in "Gloria!"--

                                                                   "Come on!  Come on!  I LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


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