Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Not To Forget What Anniversary Today Is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       It is almost inconceivable to realize, but today is the day, 46 years ago, I saw "Gone With The Wind" for the first time.  It changed my life.

                                        When Vivien Leigh stood in that field at the end of Part One, and cried, "As God is my witness..." I knew no one would ever fuck with me again, because, like Scarlett, I would kick adversity in the teeth!!!!!!!!!!  What a role model, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          After approximately three dozen viewings since, I still look forward to seeing it on the screen, which I expect should be sometime this year.  You see, I will only see this film on the screen. Yes, I have seen it on TV, and DVD, as an experiment, but it just does not work.

                                            So, with this being the film's Jubilee Anniversary, I would expect an appearance in theaters sometime this year!

                                              To think that, 46, years ago, the film was only 29 years old, and I only 13!  I could not even conceive of what 46 years from then would be like, and where I would be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 This is always "Gone With The Wind" day to me. May I see a screening this year, and may it not be my last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  And I expect to see all you girls, there!


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