Thursday, February 20, 2014

Can You Believe I Only Scored 89%???????????????????????????????????

                                       You may recall me, back in October, darlings, writing about Rachael Sacks, that Little Miss Nobody who goes to the New School, lamenting that she was victimized by others, just because she happens to be so rich!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I had a field day with her darlings, and what has happened to Miss Sacks, since?  Absolutely nothing!  In fact, she is most likely picking spuds out of ash cans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          The Internet, as you know, is full of all kinds of fun quizzes--Are You A Serial Killer?  Are You A Sociopath?  Are You Bi-Polar?-- to name a few. However, if one is a serial killer, does that not make one a sociopath?  I have no answer to give here, darlings; I am not a mental health professional, and these are not my issues.

                                             With Miss Sacks in mind, I decided to take a Fun Quiz, entitled, "Are You A Spoiled Brat?"  I expected to ace it!  I scored quite high, in fact, answering as honestly as I could, but would you believe I only scored 89%?????????  The spoiled brat in me is upset because I did not score 100!!!!!!!!!

                                                  What can I do?  How can I raise my score?  Bitch at waiters in eateries?
I can only do that, when there is something to actually bitch about!   And I love my beloved Monsieur with all my heart, so I am not about to misbehave, there!

                                                       There are some people--whom I will not name--to whom I would like to give a good smack across the face!!!!!!!!!!!!  I have to admit doing so would be SO satisfying--but it would also land me in more trouble than I care to--even if others I know would applaud me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         I guess I will just have to settle for being a B+ Spoiled Brat!  I guess
Rachael outdoes me, not because of money, but because I have at least 11% Nice, and she has NONE!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         Oh, and to answer your question, with regard to the picture I used--
the one I always wanted to be was Veronica!!!!!!!!!!!  Because she was spoiled and rich!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           Of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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