Saturday, February 15, 2014

Darlings, I Have Always Wanted One Of These As A Home Ornament!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    I guess my decoration modes, dolls, are split somewhere between Victorian, and American Carnival.  I have always wanted a fortune telling booth--one that works!!!!--in my place of residence!  But where would we put it, where we are, now?  The front foyer is a perfect spot,--but there is no place for it!  We would have to move the sideboard with the red lamp and the Virgin Mary, and where would that all go????????  The bedroom is out of the way, so what is the point?  As for the living room, well, there is a corner spot, currently located by a giant ficus plant, but it would block window light, which is verboten, and what would we do with the plant??????????????

                                    But, you have to admit, a fortune telling booth would liven up anyone's domain!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Just love that carny atmosphere, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    And it is cheaper, overall, than to have Sylvia Miles come over, and sit at your kitchen table!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Good luck on future home ideas, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I've always wanted one of these as well! Unfortunately, once the movie "Big" became such a blockbuster, it caused a stampede of new "collectors" to snatch up these old machines. Today, its almost impossible to find a vintage booth with a female gypsy figure: everyone wants the old lady with the shawl, but apparently far more of these were made with the off-putting male fortune teller. Perhaps we can buy one of those and pull a transgender operation...

    For a short-term fix, invite me over for coffee and I'll give you a Tarot reading: my first partner was Wiccan and my second was a Santero, so I do have an "in" to the spirits...


  2. I don't like those male ones--they are usually called Zoltar, or something. I want one where the gypsy looks like Maria Ouspenskaya or Blanche Yurka.

    As for Tarot, I used to hace a deck. It was in a red box with the most stunning Vicotrian drawings. I gave it away--amd came to regret that. I used to know the Arcana, but would love to learn the whole thing. I could retire, and take up a second career, as a Tarot reader!
