Friday, February 14, 2014

Sweethearts, Sweethearts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Happy Valentine's Day, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Can you believe we have arrived at another???????????

                               I hope you all have romantic plans.  Listening to the cast album of "She Loves Me!" is a good start, (the Original one, darlings--with Barbara Cook!  No other!!!!!!!!!) followed by a romantic dinner, and maybe a romantic film, like "Moonstruck."  I better look and see if I have "Moonstruck" in my DVD collection.  No more :"Fatal Attraction" on Valentine's Day, girls, from now on!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Stay home,  put your feet up, read Jane Austen (or whomever) and eat bon bons!  This is our day, girls, and the men had better come across!  Mine already has, I can tell you!!!!!!!!!!

                                 And here is the perfect Valentine's Day moment--Alfalfa, from "the Little Rascals," singing "Let Me Call You Sweetheart!!!!!!!!"

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