Friday, February 28, 2014

Farewell, February!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Today, we slowly--emphasis on that word, dolls!!!!--move out of my least favorite time of the year!  The discarded Christmas trees are finally gone, the taxes are done, and Spring is on its way.

                                   Well, as the song says, two out of three ain't bad!!!!!!!!!  Because, with another major storm on the way, I hear, this coming Monday, and it being in the teens outside, right now,as I write, the hope of Spring seems rather unlikely!

                                      But, rest assured, it IS the end of February, so Time is on our side now, girls!!!!!!!!

                                      What a month it has been!  From the anniversary of Bernadette's vision, to the deaths of Philip Seymour Hoffman, the seemingly inconceivable death of Shirley Temple, not to mention the great Mary Grace Canfield,   February had its ups and downs!

                                         And there are some birthdays yet to be mentioned.  In addition to Kelly Bishop, Musical Theater Icon, Bernadette Peters, turns 66, and three people I happen to know personally have birthdays today--my coworker, Christopher, who turns 58, my cousin Robert, who is 61 today, and my sister, Penny, who hits 74--can you believe it???--this day, while our father awaits hitting his 99th on April 30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          So, much good comes  out of the end of this month!  Happy Birthday, to one and all!  And congratulations, to all of us, for surviving another February!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Guess March will come in, like a lion, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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