Friday, February 28, 2014

Girls, Can You Beleive Sheila Is 70??????????????????????????????

                                               "I'm Sheila Bryant. Really Sarah Rosemary Bryant, which
                                                  I really hate.  I was born August 8, 1946, in Colorado
                                                Springs, Colorado.  And I'm going to be thirty real soon.
                                                  And I'm real glad."
                                                    --Kelly Bishop as Sheila Bryant, in "A Chorus Line"

                                      Girls, can you believe it has been almost 40 years, since Kelly Bishop first spoke those words on stage?  As has been recounted on here endlessly, my first "Chorus Line" viewing was an unforgettable experience that marked a turning point in my life.  I realized, watching it, that, If I did not do
anything else, I had to get out of Jersey, and into New York!  And so I did!

                               Seeing the show, for the first time, of course I wanted to be Cassie.  I mean, Donna McKechnie, red, that dancing ability....and, most importantly, relating to Cassie's dilemma of being too good for situations into which she was placed.  But, much as I wanted to be her, the one I admired over the years  was  Sheila.  She takes no prisoners, and, in the end, she is the survivor.  The fates of the others are ambiguous, when the curtain falls, but there is no doubt that  Sheila, especially when Kelly played her, WOULD go on!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                As have I, darlings, having also made it to New York!  I maintain every gay man is Sheila (or thinks he is!!!!) because in Sheila's strength is found a way for those who are struggling to survive.

                                To think, another Musical Theater Legend--Shelley Plimpton!!!--was celebrated on here, yesterday.  And now, today, Kelly!!!!!!!!!!!!  And both became legends in shows that originated out of the Public Theatre.  Interesting.

                                So, Happy Birthday, Kelly!  You make 70 seem young!  May things still be beautiful for you--and us--at the ballet!

                                 You didn't think I would let this go buy, without showcasing Kelly's signature piece?
Here it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Many Happy Returns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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