Sunday, February 9, 2014

Looking Slipshod, Paula!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You Better Watch Out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Girls, I am telling you, before long, Paula Zahn is not going to be "On The Case," she  is going to BE the case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Did you know that Paula Zahn has her own fan club, only it does not have any fans?  My beloved Monsieur researched this, and was asked to be the first fan!!!!!!!!!!!!  Are you kidding?

                                           Besides, being such could land one in trouble, because, in spite of the earnestness of her on camera delivery, (what I call the Diane Dykeman School Of Journalistic Reporting!!!!!!!!)  I am now having trouble staying awake during her telecasts. She was cancelled last week, allegedly on account of the Super Bowl,  (though was there really a need to do that????) but I think her star at ID is on the wane!

                                            It has happened before!  Once, Paula, was on the fast track at CBS!  That did not work out, so she went over to ABC.  From there, she dropped to the level of Fox News.  Even that panned out!  For a long time, Paula was invisible, and you want to know why?

                                               This lady has a checkered past!  Miss Earnestness, who could bore you to tears with her on camera delivery, apparently sizzles between the sheets!  She owes some of her best deliveries there!  Which broke up her 20 year marriage to real estate magnate Richard Cohen, because she was having "Fifty Shades Of Grey" relationship with Cohen's best friend, Paul Fribourg!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                There was even a Secret Sex Journal, written and kept by Paula, that would make 'Fifty Shades' blush, and was steamier than any of her reportage on television!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Smart Miss!  Who would have thought vacuous Paula could be such a sizzler??????????????

                                                 Apparently, she only sizzles between the sheets!  Only between the sheets, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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