Monday, February 10, 2014

Now, This Should Be NBC's Next Live Musical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Bill Murray as "Peter Pan" is not a bad direction to go in, girls, but, for those old enough to remember, after Alan Sues coming in through the window to advertise Peter pan Peanut Butter, no other male Peter would do!!!!!!!!!!!  And who do we have out there, like Alan???????????  Nobody!!!!!!!!!!!

                      As its telecast of "The Sound Of Music" proves, nuns sell tickets--and get ratings!  Even when miscast, as in the case of Carrie Underwood!  Good nuns are beloved, but bad nuns are loved even more!  Those nasty habits, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       So, when I saw the photo of this Pistol Packin' Nun, I got the greatest idea for NBC's next live musical presentation!

                          "Sister Get Your Gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                            It combines all of the best elements of "The Sound Of Music," "Sister Act," and, of course, "Annie Get Your Gun."  Maybe they could get Gloria Vanderbilt, even if they have to prop her up, like a Gorgon, in a wheelchair, to be the Mother Superior!!!!!!!!!!

                             And just think of those songs!

                             "You Can't Get A Man, When A Nun!!!!!!!!!!"

                             " Doing What Comes Heavenly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                             " There's No Business, Like Pope Business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                            " I Got The Lord In The Morning, And Satan At Night!"

                       I am telling you, it can't miss!  To compensate for the Buffalo Bill Wild West Show, the Roman Catholic Church adopts an Evangelical approach, and takes its masses on the road, with outdoor services!  Capped off by the Pistol Packin' Nun hitting a bullseye at a targeted statue of  Father Charles Coughlin, the radical hate mongering priest of radio during the 1930's, who was surely more anti-Catholic than pro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      The whole thing, of course will fade out on  an audio of Ethel Merman doing "There's No Business, Like Show Business!"  But, I am telling you, NBC should start planning now!  The ratings would go right through the roof!

                       And throngs of folks, with pitchforks and clubs, will be storming its Rockefeller Center doors!!!!!!!!!

                         Remember, girls, even bad publicity is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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