Thursday, February 27, 2014

Not A Colleague You Would Like To Work With, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         What with workplace issues these days being problematic, not just for me, girls, but for everyone, everywhere, Brittany Norwood, this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, is a standout.  This is one worker you would not like to work with, but you wont' have to, dears, Brittany is behind bars.

                                             In her case, I think what culminated in murder was not so much entitlement, as just being a garden variety sociopath.  Brittany was a star athlete in  college, and on her way to making something of herself.  She wanted to be a personal trainer; nothing wrong with that. The only trouble was, things had a way of vanishing, when Brittany was around, starting with teammates possessions at university, which led to her being expelled,  and not graduating.

                                          Making her way to Maryland, Miss Norwood made her way to one yoga store in Maryland, but was let go under a cloud. She was allowed to work in that store's auxiliary establishment in affluent Bethesda, where she, for a time got along with the supervisor and her coworkers.

                                             But things had been vanishing, and came to a boiling point, the night of March 11, 2011.  Brittany and coworker Jayna Murray were closing up for the night. True to those working in
retail, (something I never knew about, because I never worked in retail....really!!!!!!!!) each examines the other's bag before leaving--and guess what Jayna finds in Brittany's?  A blue yoga top--with the name tags still on.  How can you be so dumb, Brittany?  But, then, criminals in the midst of crime, are not always the cleverest sort.

                                                 Caught red handed, and faced with exposure and joblessness, Brittany hatches a plan to  kill Jayna, who was then going off to a study group!

                                                    On the evening of March 11, Brittany calls Jayna, saying she needs to get back into the store, because she forgot her wallet. She didn't.  This was the bait--and the unaware Jayna  took it.  When they got into the store, Jayna was furiously attacked by Brittany, who not only hacked her to pieces, but tore through the place, using over sized  shoes to make blood prints, and tearing the place apart to simulate a burglary gone wrong. Even to the point of hacking herself up a pant, and pantsing Jayna, to make it look she was sexually assaulted.

                                                       This Miss fools no one, and soon she is caught, and locked up for good!  You think you have coworker issues, darlings????? Next time they come up, think of poor Jayna Murray, who paid for them, with her life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Be glad you don't work with Brittany. And let's hope you never cross paths with someone like her.

                                                           Would Brittany have done this again, had she eluded the cops?  You better believe it!  She not only believed in five finger discounts; she did not care what collateral damage she left in her wake.

                                                              What a perfect choice for Bitch Of The Week Brittany is!  And what a perfect place she is in right now--jail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                  Have a nice life, Brit, hon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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