Thursday, February 27, 2014

To Paraphrase Ebenezer Scrooge, Girls, This Sleaze Bucket Should Be Boiled In His Own Pudding, And Buried With A Stake Of Holly In His Heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Just when I thought "Law And Order SVU" was going down the tubes, darlings, along comes a wonderfully provocative episode, called "Comic Perversion."

                                   This was based on the scandal of comic Daniel Tosh, whose jokes about rape did not sit well with more sensible members living in America.  Josh Galloway, the figure in this episode, is equally repulsive, but he is superbly played by Jonathan Silverman in what, to me, looks like an Emmy winning performance.

                                     Things start out with Galloway doing a gig to a drunken college crowd at some college known as TSU, which he jocularly dubs "Trash Slut University."  The moronic jocks, their testosterone flowing with booze, yuck it up, thinking he is just the wittiest thing out there, when they don't have a clue, anyway, to what real wit is. Hey, how did they ever get into college, anyway??????????

                                         Renee Clark (Skyler Day) an audience member, and former rape victim, shows up, with some girls, and leads a protest against Galloway's act, which culminates in her being brought to the stage, and made a mockery of by Galloway and the crowd. Then, to make matters worse, after the gig, two of his male fans assault Renee on campus. They stop just short of rape, but, hey, assault is assault!  Let's see their sorry assess get booted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Galloway is some piece of work, crying out about Free Speech and Lenny Bruce, when all he is doing is good old hate mongering, the kind that Radio Priest Father Coughlin used to do, back in the Thirties.  Only Galloway's hate seems to be directed towards women. Maybe because he is in his late 40s, and has trouble getting any on a realistic level??????????? Like, yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               The next night, at another gig, Galloway reveals a hot time he had with a girl he met here on campus. It turns out she is in the audience--Carly Rydell (Laura Slade Wiggins) and she maintains Josh sodomized her, and would not stop, despite the hurt and pain he was causing her. This is what she tells the SVU team, but it is a slippery slope, one I did not buy for an instant. This guy needs to be put in his place, but I have some creative ideas for that.

                                                   Apparently, so does Renee, who disguises herself, and risks being another of Josh's victims--but she gets it on film, and shows it to the SVU crowd. Enough to get Josh eventually charged with attempted rape!  Good for him!

                                                       As I said, Silverman delivers an Emmy winning performance.  And I was glad to see Justice prevail. But I have two choice endings for this episode.

                                                          The first is Josh is thrown into the general prison population, and some of those guys show him what rape REALLY is, baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                              The second, which is my favorite, is to bring back Cynthia Nixon, from "Alternate," in her persona of Dory. You know, the one who visited Kathy Stabler, with the knife, and the two girls just chatted?????  She could pay a visit to Josh he would never forget, then  turn him over to the predatory female from the vampire book club episode of 'Criminal Intent,' and let her takes his testicles between her hands and squeeze them hard, draining him like fresh oranges!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                  He'd never rape anyone again.  And neither would any other guy, watching this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                  But kudos to Jonathan! What a brilliant sicko you played!!!!!!! Where the hell have you been?????????????????

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