Sunday, February 2, 2014

What Do Theater Queens Do, On Super Bowl Sunday?????????????????????????

                          I think it is very telling--showing that someone at WNET reads this blog--that Channel 13, on its 9PM movie last night, ran the 1962 "Gypsy," with Rosalind Russell, and Natalie Wood.  The night before the Super Bowl, and what better film to show than a musical, considered one of the Gold Standards among Theater Queens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          I have been thinking, singing, and writing about "Gypsy" a lot, lately, so  it is interesting that it turned up last night.  We had Auntie Alvin over for dinner, last night, and the plan was for all of us to watch it together, and, when the musical numbers came on, I would sing them the way they SHOULD be sung!  But Auntie Alvin had to go home to feed his birds, and settle in for the night--he almost had a little snooze, here, darlings; just think if we had given him a drink, we might have had him here all night!

                          I watched the intro to "Gypsy," where the host was talking about the film, and showing clips.  When  it got to the train station scene, with "Everything's Coming Up Roses," I realized I could not watch this film!  The set looked too stagy, Russell was too stiff, and, while she made a valiant effort, she just wasn't right!  And, having been raised on Merman, and being able to see Patti Lu Pone do the big moments on "You Tube," there was really no need for me to see "Gypsy."  But I hope this did not stop the rest of you, for, especially those with less exposure than I, it is a rather enjoyable film!

                          And it is almost my story!  I LIVED it, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Like I said, someone at the network must have shown this, in response to Theater Queens and the Super Bowl.

                          So, what does a Theater Queen do on the actual day????????????????

                          Well, Monsieur and I, like good TQ's, are actually off to the theater.  We are seeing the latest Charles Busch play, "The Tribute Artist," over one East 59th Street, mercifully away from the manic wildness of the Theater District, crawling with Super Bowlers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Now, for those who are not going to the theater today, here are some alternatives.

                             1. Put on the cast album of "Gypsy."  Listen to it, and act it out!

                             2.Ditto "Funny Girl!"

                             3.Practice your Baby June Split, in the living room!

                             4.Work on those Donna McKechnie moves, with "The Music And The Mirror!"

                             5. Make yourselves a High Tea, and sip and munch, while listening to the MGM
                                  soundtrack of "Gigi!"

                             6. Recite Neely O'Hara's dialogue from "Valley Of The Dolls" full blast, to
                                   provoke your Super Bowl neighbors!!!!!!!!!!!

                             7. Ditto "What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?' and "The Bad Seed!!!!!!!!!"

                             8. Phone your local straight bar, and when the bartender answers, blast the
                                    Overture to "Mame" into the phone!

                              9. Visit your resident gay bar, and drink yourself into senselessness, while
                                    listening to "Judy Garland At Carnegie Hall!:"

                             10.  Watch John Waters' "Hairspray," and do all the dances!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                   Now, aren't those lovely alternatives, darlings??????????
Life does not have to end for us, just because it is Super Bowl Sunday!  Go on, now, and make your own fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                   And, keep in mind, in just four weeks we get even, with what is considered the Gay Super
Bowl--the Oscars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                   Cheers, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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