Saturday, March 15, 2014

"A Soothsayer Hath Warned, 'Beware The Ides Of March'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                            Ever since Shakespeare accorded this date as the one on which Julius Caesar was assassinated, in his classic tragi-historical play, this date has gotten a bad rap.  Granted, there has been the 2011 movie, entitled "The Ides Of March," featuring Ryan Gosling, at his most luscious.  Which helps out a lot.

                             But there is one thing, above all, that saves this day from being a total disaster, because it bucked the jinx behind the Ides of March.  On this day, in 1956, fifty eight years ago, today, a show opened at the Mark Hellinger Theatre, in a day when no one thought it would ever be anything but a theater.

                              Not only was it just any show; it turned out to be one of the most groundbreaking musicals of the Twentieth Century!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              That is right, darlings!  I am talking about "My Fair Lady."

                               To start this day right, at home, I awoke the house with a listening of the celebrated orchestral rendition of its famous Overture, one of the greatest in Musical Theater History.

                                 So, here it is, darlings!   Listen, and keep afresh the memories of a true masterwork of the musical stage!

                                   And--feh! on the Ides Of March!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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