Saturday, March 15, 2014

I Know Where The Malaysian Flight 370 Went, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Remember the now classic opening scene (actually, the best part of the movie) of 1977's "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind?"  The one, where, out of nowhere in the dessert, the planes that constituted Flight 19, which vanished in 1945, appear out of nowhere?

                           I believe this is exactly what has happened to Malaysian Flight 370, recently.  It has been alien  abducted, and, maybe some 45 years later, it will surface in a similar way, along with other remnants that vanish over the years, and in years to come.

                              But what disillusionment for those aliens!  At least, studying Flight 19, in 1945, they could see that our culture was advancing.  When they get their hands on the recent plane, and discover such things as "Fifty Shades Of Grey," reality shows, and the current obsession with winning a prize for everything, they are going to think we have really fucked up. Which we have. And I do not blame those aliens if they just toss the trash in the dessert, and leave us alone.

                                Make no mistake, this was done by aliens. Gojira is too busy getting ready to promote his latest  movie.  Mothra is too busy seething with jealousy, over on Infant Island, because no one is interested in she.  Rodan, Ghidrah, and Gamera are all retired, and living comfortably on Monster Island.

                                  So, the only explanation for this latest disappearance is an alien abduction.

                                   Mark my words. I bet Spielberg would agree with me. And so, were he alive, would Francois Truffaut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. ¡El sol salió anoche y me cantó!

    ¡El sol salió anoche y me cantó!
