Monday, March 3, 2014

Guess Who Ended Up Stealing The Show, At This Year's Academy Awards, Darlings???????????????????????

                        None other than every one's favorite, adorable reptile, Gojira. (I steadfastly refuse to call him by his dumbed down American name, and he happens to agree!)  Three quarters through this tedious program, when Monsieur and I were reduced to a semi-comatose state, one step away from actual sleep, an ad for Snickers came on, featuring Gojira in all sorts of activities--dancing, water skiing, partying, all due to the energy of a Snickers candy bar.

                           At the ad's end, mention  was made of his new movie, coming out this May. The one where he visits San Francisco.  I am telling you, the 1906 quake will be nothing compared to this, and the Castro will never be the same!

                              But what a pick me up, to see Gojira as the fun loving reptile we know him to be, not the nasty monster from the deep he gets paid to enact.  Speaking of acting, how about giving him an Academy Award?  Even an honorary one? He already has his own star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame.

                               Speaking of that commercial, here it is!  The biggest surprise of the Academy Awards!!!!!!!!!!  We can't wait to see the new movie in May, and, girls, I am telling you, you will adore him here!

                                   Go, Gojira!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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