Monday, March 3, 2014

You'd Think This Was A Parody Of "One Hour Photo!!!!!!!"

                   Actually, it is not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  Forget Flo on those Progressive commercials. She tires the viewer easily, and she is not the real thing; the actress playing her is so hidden by wig and costume that not an ounce of real personality comes through.

                    Which is not the case with Beatrice, on the Essurance ads, the one who pastes her vacation photos to the wall, and shows them to  her friends. Beatrice may just be the next media star, and and the biggest dose of reality since Lee and Morty Kaufman, for Swifter's.

                       Beatrice could be your next door neighbor, your grandmother's Mahjong partner, or your grandmother herself.  She is someone's, after all.  I just love Beatrice, with her no-nonsense, non apologetic eccentricity!  There are some brain cells operating in the advertising industry, after all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Here is a chance for you all to meet Beatrice!  Wishing you the best, dear!

                       May you knock that obnoxious Jack and selfish bitch, Connie, off the air waves!

                       I bet Sister Camille would adore Beatrice! She knows the real thing, when she sees it!!!!!!!!!!

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