Monday, March 10, 2014

Honestly, Darlings, Every Time I See One Of These, My Suspicion Meter Goes Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        We've all seen them, girls, and in all sorts of places--building walls, bulletin boards, even curled around lamp posts.  But, honestly, would you take up the services of someone who advertised in this way, with a tear-off phone number?  I wouldn't.  It would be like expecting to find yourself a romantic partner on Craigslist, when, more than likely, you are bound to get killed!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          I am not sure the potential is not the same here. Acting lessons, music lessons, tutoring sessions (uh-huh!!!!!!!!) all advertise in this fashion, but just what is the consumer getting? Sure, the advertiser can print they graduated from Julliard or the Ivies, but can they prove it???????  And I would never study acting or singing with someone who advertises like this.  I'd as soon call MERYL , or even BARBRA.  At least, then, you stand a chance of coming out alive--even with BARBRA.

                                            Those who advertise in this fashion not only may possibly have flunked out of college, vocational school, or whatever passes for what they call their education, darlings, but you can bet they did study at the Bernie and Ruth Madoff School Of Business Ethics.  Whose top graduate was Sante Kimes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Get what I am saying, dolls?  These tear-offs are rip offs!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Don't go anywhere near them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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