Friday, March 7, 2014

Kate Is Great, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Just finished reading Kate Atkinson's latest, which made the Times Ten Best List for 2013.  I love her Jackson Brodie books, but this goes way beyond them, into terrain recalling both A.S.Byatt and Jane Austen.

                                  Ursula lives her life over and over again.  The novel gets philosophical, forcing the reader, as Ursula's situation is examined, how one would handle it, were they placed in the same situation.  What would they do the same?  What different?

                                    I have asked myself that question endlessly.  And, right now, I can say, to get to the point of happiness I am at now, I would do everything the same.  Even some of the things I did not particularly like, such as Woodside.

                                      As the first non Brodie book of Atkinson's I have read, it is the most satisfying, which makes me even more want to read an earlier work of hers I keep putting off--"Behind The Scenes At The Museum."

                                      Its meditation of English history is endlessly fascinating; the details exquisite, and the entire sequence of the London Blitz is a masterwork.

                                         Kate Atkinson has been around awhile, and is admired by many, including yours truly.  I think she breaks new ground in this book.  I cannot wait for the next.

                                           It is both emotionally thrilling, and intellectually stimulating, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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