Sunday, March 23, 2014

People Can't Stop Talking About Last Week's Episode of 'SVU'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          "Crime Stories," last Wednesday's episode of "Law And Order SVU," turned out to be one of the more exciting segments of the season.   It marked Mariska Hargitay's directorial debut, and let me tell you, darlings, not only did she do a fabulous job, but I think she should remain on the opposite side of the camera--where she is not seen.  Not because Mariska has lost her acting chops, but because of the way the writers are creating Olivia's character--as Miss Worker Bee Drudge Bitch!  My Monsieur said they are trying to make her into Dann Florek, which is wrong, as she is not that type.  Darlings, you should have seen the opening scene, with Olivia's entrance, where she is carrying a mountain of files, bemoaning her paperwork, declaring she will be staying at the office till 1 AM.  Put a pair of glasses on her, pull back her hair, and you have all the makings of the spinster librarian in "Citizen Kane." Except Olivia should also have been clutching "The Well Of Loneliness."  She is getting so damned dour--Florek was never like this!!!!--that fans are getting disgusted.  But the mistake is to blame Mariska.  It is not her fault; it is the writers.  If they keep turning Olivia into a drudge, fans will get disgusted, Mariska will leave the show, and that will be it for 'SVU'.  Good as they are, Kelli Giddish and Ice T are not strong enough to carry this show, and forget that weak link Danny Pino.  Face facts, girls, the show has never been the same since Chris Meloni, as Elliot Stabler, left, and, unless he makes a miraculous return, it will never be.

                        I think what the show needs is a new batch of writers.  Fire them all, and hire a new batch, because, the way Olivia is being portrayed, a stake is being driven through the coffin that this show has become.  Or maybe they are simply following Warren Leight's orders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         The episode, however, was greatly enlivened, by the presence of Alec Baldwin.  He played Jimmy Mac, a journalist who likes to fan the flames, and, as one who remembers, clearly a sort of stand in for Jimmy Breslin.  He is still a good actor, but, let's face it, these days, when Baldwin does an acting job, who else is he really playing but.....Alec Baldwin?????????????

                          Sparks flew between him and Olivia, which made up for the story, standard rape/Muslim stuff, the sort of thing seen in a better episode, like "Honour."  In this one, the girl, Heba, was raped by two corporate honchos at her brother's workplace, and she was scared to tell the truth because of her family.  How many times can these Muslim issues be hashed????  Enough is enough!!!!!

                            The story was basically old hat, but with stylish direction by Mariksa and Baldwin's trademark brashness, a sinking ship was, for the  moment, livened up.  If the production staff is smart, they will look at the results of this show, and fire those writers, or, at the very least, bring back Baldwin for more star friction!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             But, please don't turn Olivia into a Career Spinster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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