Sunday, March 23, 2014

Oh, My God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Viola Davis As A Serial Killer???????????????????????

                      Darlings, I am telling you, this has to be seen, to be believed!  After seeing Viola in "Doubt" and "The Help," it came as a real shock seeing her chilling performance as Officer Terry Randolph, in the 'Criminal Intent' episode "Badge," from all the way back to 2002!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       So many things about this episode was disturbing.  An auditor finds out the guy he works for is taking kickbacks, and it ties in to Randolph and her partner, and for this the auditor and his entire family--a wife and two young children--are killed!  By hard hearted Viola, who turns out to be a retired member of the NYPD, who is "double dipping"--collecting her pension, while working another city job as a school security guard, where she gets drug dealers to sell on campus, then shakes then down for their money!  All so that she can provide a lavish lifestyle for her aged mother and two young daughters!

                       Terry's intentions are in the right place, but she, apparently, has no heart, save for herself, which makes her a sociopath.  The murder is never shown, but, in  a couple of scenes, Viola shows the kind of rage Terry can summon, in order to do such a heinous act.

                        And, if she was so concerned about her mother and girls, what about the possibility of being caught????  Which is why, when she finally is apprehended, and she pleads, "Please don't take my girls away from me!" I actually felt sorry for her.  Except she is a real Lady Macbeth!!!!!!!!!  What will that mother and children do now?  How will they keep a roof over their heads???? All due to Terry's lust for money, power and blood.  S. Epatham Merkerson made a special guest appearance, as Lieutenant Anita Van Buren, and even she was shocked!!!!  As she said, she knew Terry could be a bit of a "hothead," but this??????

                        Darlings, if Viola was not Emmy nominated for this performance, she should have been!  This is one bitch you do not want to mess with!!!!!!!!!!!

                          She is even worse than Miss Diana Ross!  Who has never killed anyone....that we know of!!!!!!!

                           Unless, of course, you want to count Florence Ballard!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            And I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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