Sunday, March 23, 2014

This Photo Is So Touching, Girls, I Cried Real Tears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Who says animals are not caring, and sensitive?  When you hear the circumstances behind this photo, darlings, you will be in tears, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            The man on the gurney, under the blue blanket, is named Mario.  He is 54 years old, and, tragically, in the final stages of terminal brain cancer!  For years, he worked as a caretaker  for the animals at the Rotterdam Zoo.  He was beloved by both staff and animals.

                            His final wish was to say goodbye to the lovable and loving creatures he had tended to so lovingly, for years.  The fulfillment of that desire was made possible by the Ambulance Wish Foundation.

                             As you can see, when he was wheeled up to the giraffe area, one of the lovely creatures, who asks to remain anonymous, came over, bent down, and gave Mario a kiss!  This is one of the loveliest, and most touching photos I have ever seen!

                             I am getting tears just writing about it!  And you just know Sister Camille would love it!!!!!

                             Hey, Sister C, how about mentioning this on one of your programs???  St. Francis of Assisi was the patron saint of animals.  This is proof they are just as loving as can be!

                               God bless, Mario!  You were loved on Earth, and those here will remember!

                               Gotta go fix my eyes, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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