Monday, March 24, 2014

Surely A Contender For One Of The Top Sickos On Here, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Back in September of 1985, Teri Jo Bradish was a 13-year-old girl, with behavioral problems, that landed her in a group home.  She seemed to be doing fine, there, and one evening, the young girl, who loved  horses, asked to go out to either feed, or say good night to them, saying she would be right back.

                                      She never returned. That evening she was, at first, pleasantly surprised, by a visit from her father, Jerry Joe Bradish.  Back in 1985, he was 38, and she was 13.  But Bradish came with some surprises Teri had no idea of--rope, duct tape, liquor, and a deadly agenda.

                                         The agenda called for Bradish to ply his daughter with liquor, which she refused to ingest.  When that did not work, he bought out the duct tape and rope, to tie her enough to confine her, and carry out his heinous intentions.

                                           It was Bradish's intention--which he did--to rape and strangle his own biological daughter, then dump her body, thinking law enforcement could be fooled into thinking  that anyone but he did this. And the reason?  A life insurance policy!!!  The value?  Ten thousand dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            It is bad enough what this guy did to his own flesh and blood. Imagine Teri Jo;s last moments, knowing she was being violated and dying at the hands of one whom she had loved her entire life, and who was supposedly sworn to protect her??????

                                              Add to that the paltry amount that this was done for, and you have one sick, twisted, fucker. So money crazed that his own daughter is worth as little as ten thousand dollars?????????????

                                               Around 2008--twenty three years later--he was found out, and convicted, and sentenced to life without parole.  The mills of justice grind exceedingly small, but, when they do, they finally grind the scum down to what they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 A special place in Hell awaits this guy!  And a special place in Heaven, for Teri Jo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. The story of Teri Jo is one as I write this on Unusual Suspects. It angers me to think that parents can do such things to their kids just so they can obtain a 10,000 payout. Gads normal people do not even wish for parents to die to inherit their estates. I have met only one who wishes death on people for that reason and thinks that her brother was sick in the head for not leaving a huge policy for her. But, there is a special place in heaven for Teri Jo and bad places for the likes of her father. This story really made me sick to my stomach just hearing the facts. May she RIP Teri Jo

  2. I hope Teri Jo does RIP.
    As for her father, what awaits him....HA! HA!!!!!!!!

    1. I would love to put the father in a hole,then go home and that night sleep like a baby.

    2. I would love to put the father in a hole,then go home and that night sleep like a baby.

  3. This act was beyond evil. His planning mindset and deeds make me wish for the death sentence.I have always been opposed to this but Bradish brings me close. This is evil beyond comprehension. I study Criminology and of all the bad deeds I have read about it believe because of the planning and mindset this is level Everest

  4. This act was beyond evil. His planning mindset and deeds make me wish for the death sentence.I have always been opposed to this but Bradish brings me close. This is evil beyond comprehension. I study Criminology and of all the bad deeds I have read about it believe because of the planning and mindset this is level Everest


  5. I could not agree with you more. I, too am
    opposed, but sometimes things like this just press
    my buttons.

  6. Jerry Bradish is the most evil person I have heard of or seen. Raping, strangling to death and dragging his daughter's naked body and dumping her completely
    nude on the side of the road is beyond evil to me. I have seen so many cases as an addict to CI and ID Xtra, but this is the worst evil on a personal scale to me. Jerry Bradish is the worst offender I know.


  7. I agree, but remember, just
    when you think you've heard it all,
    along will come something to upset
    even that.

    May Brandish rot in jail where he
    belongs. If freed, he would kill

  8. My mom was an investigator in Lander and had tried to become a foster mom in order to take in Teri Jo. Because she was a single mom- her application was denied. This murder seriously fucked up my mom for years after. She always suspected the dad. He was a shitshow- known for physically, emotionally, and sexually abusing Teri Jo. He was the reason she kept running away. However- when questioned- he put on the waterworks and the DA refused to consider charges. This is truly a WTF case.

    1. My husband and I just watched it. He said, "I'll bet that he'd been raping her for years, and that's why she was running away and had behavioral problems". . And now I see from you it's true... probably threatened to kill her mom if she told... he's pure evil


  9. Amy Ann,
    I couldn't agree more--a WTF case.
    Your poor mother--kudos for her wanting
    to help, and living with the tragedy of
    what happened because she couldn't. My
    heart goes out to you both.

    Teri Jo's scumbag father deserved at
    least LWOP. Or worse.


  10. Denise,
    I agree with your husband. I think sexual
    abuse at homed led to behavior problems. How
    could it not? The threat to her mom, and
    was there another daughter would not surprise
    me either. To think he got away with this
    for twenty years. And the killing was all
    for $10K. Pathetic and evil.

    I know where this guy is headed--to
    the tropics. And I do not mean Florida!!!!!!!


  11. Paul Carney,

    You said it! I could not
    agree more!

  12. Eu penso que ele e um monstro mais pervetido que ja ouvi falar.So de pensar no que a pobre menina sofria e sofreu enfim.que ele cumpra na cadeia sob piores condicoes sua sentenca e qdo.sair deste mundo
    ...ninguem e perfeito mas este monstro merece o pior do pior aqui ou no inferno.A justica goi feita com este homem infeliz mas a menina nunca voltara!!!Terry Joe R I P forever!!??!!!


  13. Unknown,

    Me no habla espanol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I’m watching it now on ID (Investigation Discovery) here in Norway.
    I feel sick to know what her father did to her, and also to know that he didnt get caught for twenty years!
    But why don’t we hear anything from her mother?
    Didn’t she suspect anything?
    I recon she was afraid of him...


  15. Susann,

    I agree with you the mother was afraid of him.
    Sad as it may be to think, she may have taken
    off, for fear of her life. That she did not
    take her daughter with her is inexcusable!

  16. How can anyone do this? Makes my heart sink..
    Sick man


  17. Unknown,
    Of all the ID posts I have done, this
    has to be one of sickest and worst!

  18. She had “behavioral problems”, my guess is he had been molesting her for awhile sadly. He told the group home he couldn’t “manage” her anymore. Probably because she was old enough to fight back eventually.

    Adults, psst.... Children don’t just have “behavioral problems” without a root cause so please make sure if children start acting up and want to run away from home that there’s something wrong in that home to make them run away or at least investigate. Statistically, it takes a child up to six times to tell an adult person to be believed that someone or something is hurting them. Six adults. How nuts is that? Listen to these kids!!

    Children need stability so if they lash out, there could be some underlying issue. Pay attention!!


  19. Cristie,
    I am with you. From my own
    experience of having been
    bullied in school, I never
    spoke up, because I figured
    what good I do.

    Had I been the person I am
    today, things might have been
