Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Should Gays Take The Day Off????????????????????????

                                       "And as for me, as for me!
                                        I made my mind up, back in Chelsea!
                                        When I goooooooooooooooo...............!
                                         I'm gooooooooooin', like Elllllllllllsie!!!!!!!!"
                                           --Liza Minnelli, as Sally Bowles, in "Cabaret"

                       She may look like she's ready for the slag heap, darlings, but, even so, and after Ellen Degeneres' tasteless remark on the recent Academy Awards, Liza Minnelli, known to us in the know as
LIIIIIIIIIIIIZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  is not going anywhere. Today just happens to be her 68th birthday--can you believe it, girls?-- and while she may not be inclined these days to leap atop a chair and sing "Bye Bye Meine Lieber Herr!," she is still with us, reminding us of what being fabulous is.  I do think gays should take the day off; after all, it is her birthday, but how do you reckon, then, with April 24, which is BARBRA'S birthday???????? Whose do you acknowledge?  Or both?  I mean, if someone is neglected, those unfortunate gays could burn forever in Theater Queen Hell!!!!!!!!!!  Which would be to be sequestered for Eternity, with a group of Vicious Opera Queens, listening endlessly to "The Ring Cycle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                       Not me, darlings!    But, how does one celebrate Liza's day?  Run through your CD collection?  Pop "Cabaret" into the DVD?  If you are really brave, and can find it, watch "Tell Me That You Love Me, Junie Moon!!!!!!!!!!!"  Moo Shu Pork for dinner?   A bit of all??????????????????/

                          I say go with the Moo Shu Pork!  Which, I am sure would meet approval from our beloved Cujo, whom we saw, on the way to work this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!  He wants to wish Liza a Happy Birthday, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Here is the best visual tribute to Liza, which is almost even better than Liza!  It is Christine Pedi, as Liza, in the number "Telephone!"

                            Enjoy, girls!  Happy Birthday, Liza!

                            And,.........we love you, Cujo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. One could skip down the road less travelled, pull out Liza's obscure 1996 CD "Gently", and play her duet "Does He Love You?" with fellow diva Donna Summer.

    Or dig out one's moldy 1989 VHS of her "Results" video album, and play her empowering "Don't Drop Bombs" extravaganza (wherein she literally shoots a bullet from her crotch that shatters a vase 50 feet away, while sporting eye makeup that Dusty Springfield would rise from the grave to appropriate):

    I'd imagine only the most hardcore Liza fan could sit down to casually watch "Junie Moon" - a little of co-star Robert Moore's performance as "Warren" goes a l-o-n-g way. Or perhaps I should say the character Warren becomes a bit much, Moore's performance is probably faithful to the screenplay.


  2. I would personally love to see that sequence from "Don't Drop Bombs." Perhaps it inspired "Priscilla, Queen Of The Dessert!"
