Thursday, March 20, 2014

This Sicko And Sad Eyed Boy Are Inextricably Linked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               They shouldn't have been, for so many reasons.  The year before David Bowen, then 16, killed and assaulted 8-year-old Kenny Conrick on October 15, 1979, he had been accused of attempting the same thing, with another neighbor boy, around the same age. That boy, fortunately, escaped Bowen's clutches.  But, when the victim's parents went to press charges, they were persuaded by the Bowens to drop them, on condition that David seek psychiatric treatment.

                                  These parents agreed, but they should not have.  I bet when they heard of what happened to Kenny, they were as guilt ridden as could be. And deservedly so.  I almost blame them as much as Bowen.

                                    Then there was the profile, which painted the picture of that of a young man, with a domineering mother.  Mrs. Bowen, if you are still alive, Kenny's blood is on your hands, too.

                                      The saddest thing of all is that, for 27 years, David Bowen lived an ordinary life.  He moved to Maine, (I wonder if that is where you flee, if you are a criminal?????) married, (why is it these sleazebags can always find wives????   Probably doormats; hope the wife and daughter walked out on him, after finding out, and realizing, what he had done, and covered up, his entire life!!!!!!!!) and had a daughter. When he was apprehended,by DNA and today's technology, it really did not register what he had done.  His confession was so matter of fact, it was chilling; like walking to the store for a quart of milk.  No remorse, no sorrow, no awareness of the pain he caused the Conricks, or the life he deprived Kenny (who today would be 43!!!!!!!!!!) of.

                                         David went into prison to serve 55 years, sometime in his forties. Which means he is going to rot in there, and will not come out, until in a pine box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Good riddance!  Too bad his mother, and the other boy's parents, could not be imprisoned along side him.  They are all to blame for the death of Kenny Conrick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               All he did was to walk home from school.  He deserved better!

                                               But, at least, he got justice, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Bowen's real justice will come in HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. This child was probably crying for mercy, for his mother his father or for God or a stranger and evil smiled even wider. Wiped out a lamb in the cruelest way and all the sicko has to say is he doesn't know why he did it. He didn't know why he violated another being. He then got to live his life doing whatever he wanted. And in prison he'll be living better than a homeless person, roof over his head, a bed, and 3 meals everyday. I'm so sick over this. Discovery ID just aired his episode on Unusual Suspects and I went online to get more details and I'm so sick.


  2. Anne Mary,

    I saw the same program you
    did. Yes, it is sick and disgusting,
    and to think of that poor child's final
    moments. I would like to think an angel
    took his soul before he could feel
    anything. It is so unfathomable.
    But the killer is where he belongs,
    because it would happen again, were
    he free!

  3. My mom and dad raised 7 kids in a loving home. I am the other sister who was younger. My brother can rot in hell.i would love to know what my sister knew but she mysteriously died right after her DNA was taken. And no.i had no idea.I wish he got the death sentence. I pray every night for that child and his family.

    1. Thank you. He was my cousin. I found myself crying even today all these years later as I read this article and comments. I am sorry for your family's loss as well.

  4. Unknown,

    I pray for that child, too.
    Sorry about your upbringing.
    It sounds like you have moved
    beyond it. Good Luck to

  5. Stowers2win,

    So sorry for the loss of your cousin.
    It must be difficult. I still cry for
    people I have lost, especially my
    parents. But the loss of your cousin
    was tragic and untimely! And the
    perp was sick!
