Thursday, March 20, 2014

What Was Done To This Little Boy, Girls, Constitutes Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             This young boy is Grayson Bruce. He is nine years old, and goes to school in Buncombe County, North Carolina.  Must be a bunch of Bubbas, there!!!!!!!!  It is the school administration there that is the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                               Grayson owns a lunch box, or back pack, that he likes to bring to school with him.  It is based on his favorite TV show, "My Little Pony."

                                  When he got to school with it, the kids attacked him, saying it was for girls, not boys. Well, first of all, you bitches, that is none of your business.  But when Grayson, took the matter to authorities, their suggestion was he leave it at home--that he conform--because it is such a trigger to bullying.

                                     As Grayson's mother, Noreen, said, it is tantamount to saying a short skirt is a trigger for rape.

                                     Frankly, if Grayson wants to carry Trailer Trash Barbie around with him, all day, he should have that right.  Where would I be without my Birthday Party Barbie?  Not to mention my Legally Blonde Barbie, and my Tippi Hedren doll??????????????

                                       It just goes to prove that administrators are not the best to....administrate.  These leaders need a good smack across the face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Grayson, you come on here any time to vent!  If you want Colorforms, BARBRA, Lady Gaga, or what have you, it is your RIGHT!  Do not be afraid to exercise it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              I stand by Grayson, and his right to carry his possession .
                                              You carry that My Little Pony bag proudly!

                                                And, when puberty hits, I hope it evolves into a Prada Purse!!!!!!!

                                                Bitch administrators!  Stay out of Grayson's. and everyone else's, lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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