Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Two Gays From Clifton (Not To Be Confused With Two Guys From Harrison!!!!!!!!!) Attacked In Hateful Tragedy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Nothing is perfect, or safe, anymore these days, girls, but if there are two places gay men should feel safe, it is the Theater District and the West Village.

                           So, thought J.P. Masterson, 39, and his older partner, Peter Moore. They had come in to the city on March 2, from Clifton, NJ to celebrate their tenth anniversary, with a Broadway show, and then maybe a drink or late meal in the Village.

                             Nothing wrong with that. And my belated congratulations to the couple.  All this happened on March 2, but I only heard about it yesterday.

                                I even know Clifton, NJ, darlings, which can mean only one of two things; either I get around, or I need to get out a whole lot more.  I do admit I could use a refresher meal at La Grenouille, but that will have to wait till Spring.

                                  Anyway, it seems the two men had finished their celebrating, and were at the West 4th Street station, getting ready to go either uptown to Penn Station or Port Authority, to get back to Clifton.

                                    They saw a man, who seemed, at first, to need help.  The scumbag, who is some Polish or Czech lug who probably lives in his mother's basement, asked the couple first, if they were gay. When he got an affirmative answer, he asked, "Are you faggots?"  They smartly walked away, but not before, Masterson, the smaller and more vulnerable of the two, fought back.  He suffered some serious facial injuries, before the cowardly scum ran away. Thank God, no one was more seriously harmed, or killed!  I hope they get this guy, and the case treated as the hate crime it ought to be.

                                      Which, getting back to yesterday, proves it is not just outside New York that things like this happen, but when they happen there, it only makes dwellers there seem worse.  This guy is probably here illegally, so maybe he should be deported.  Or, of course, there is always that Mask Of Satan that can be slipped over his face.

                                         I am glad Masterson fought back.  I hope his partner stepped in, because I sure would have.  If you see some scum attacking gays, there are two ways to handle it.  Either yell out conspicuously, which should make the coward run off. Or do it my way.

                                         Call out, so you get the perp's attention.  Then, cross your legs pull up one pants leg, pose seductively, and call out my favorite line from Philip Roth--

                                           "Oh, do it to me, Big Boy!
                                             Oh, shove it in me, Big Boy!
                                              Big Boy!  Big Boy!"

                                          Guys who do this are insecure about their own sexuality, anyway. So, confront them with it, outright!

                                              The cowards will still run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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