Sunday, March 30, 2014

Welcome Back To "The Tonight Show," Joan, Darling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Girls, after over 25 years, on March 27, 2014, Joan Rivers was welcomed back to "The Tonight Show," by new host Jimmy Fallon, and, as you can see, he is having quite a time.  He is loving every minute of Joan--as we all do!!!!!!!!!--but is also wondering, with what comes out of her mouth, if what she says is going to land him in trouble, let alone get past the censors!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            You should have seen Russell Crowe, seated to Joan's left.  I have never seen the guy crack a smile, on screen, or off, but you should have seen him, doubled over, smiling and guffawing at Joan.  It was a  Russell never before seen, and it was worth it!  It is also a testament to Joan's skill. Imagine--getting Russell Crowe to laugh??????????????????????

                              But, why should Russell have all the fun?????????  Take a look, girls, to see what you missed!

                              Joan is still as sharp, as ever!

                              We love you, Joan!  "Whaaaaaaaaaaat a traaaaaaaaaamp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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