Wednesday, March 5, 2014

"What Is The Holy Trinity???? I Said, 'What Is The Holy Trinity'???????"

                             And you damn well better know the answer today, girls, which is Ash Wednesday.  And what better exemplar than Gladys Cooper as Sister Marie Therese Vazous, in "The Song Of Bernadette" (for which she was nominated for an Oscar!!!!!!!) to cram that down your throats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                We had our Shrove Tuesday pancakes last night, so now we have to fast and abstain on Ash Wednesday.  No bacon cheeseburgers today, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   So, those of you, especially who are Catholic, or even call themselves Catholic, had better be ready with the answer.  And you better believe Sister Vazous means business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    You should read, in the Franz Werfel book, darlings, the part about where she sleeps at night, with one eye open, staring at a ripe, juicy peach, to ward off temptation.  This was when nuns were nuns, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       So, remember the eyes of Sister Vazous on you this first day of Lent!

                                       Good luck with the remaining 39!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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