Wednesday, March 5, 2014

What Would Sister Camille Say About This, I Wonder????????????????

                                     As far as I am concerned, girls, Terry Caffey is either a fool or a saint.  I just cannot make up my mind which.

                                       On the other hand, his daughter, Erin, 22 now, pictured below, is one cold-hearted, evil minded bitch!  This Miss should have been slapped silly, locked in her room, and made to study her Geometry, like other 16-year-olds. Otherwise, the events of March 1, 2008, which I am about to account would not have taken place.

                                          Erin was trouble, even before trouble started. She dumped her first boy friend, because he thought her nuts, when she expressed the desire to murder her family, so that they could be together. Smart guy. Get away from this sicko, fast!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Then, Charles Wilkinson came into Erin's life. At 19, he was some trash loser, living in some hovel, sleeping on a mattress, no future in sight. But, this was in Alba, Texas, so Erin did not have much option, when it came to quality guys. The state is White Trash, anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Charlie can't stand Erin's parents' religiosity, which is none of his business. Erin is torn between her hormones and family; she still participates in church activities.

                                                  But all that came to a crashing halt, the night of March 1, 2008. For a time, Erin, along with Charlie Wilkinson, and his friend, Charlie Wald, plus her trash girl friend, Bobbi Johnson, had been plotting the murder of Erin's family, the only way, she felt, for she and Charlie to be together, and live life on their own terms. As if they are ready to!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   What is it, with these tramps, and bad boys???????????

                                                     With Erin and Bobbi nearby, the two Charlies break into the house in the middle of the night, March 1, 2008.  They shoot and murder Terry and Penny Caffey, the parents, in their bed.  Then they shoot younger brother Matthew, only 13, in the head. But the most gruesome is saved for last.  Baby brother Tyler, only 8, is hiding in a closet, dragged out, and stabbed to death with samurai swords!!!!!!!!!!  I kid you not!

                                                         When the deed is done, the kids are so excited, they set fire to the home, go off, and live life, as though nothing happened.

                                                            But, wait, you are never going to believe this.

                                                             In what is something of a miracle, Terry survives both the massacre and fire, enough to limp half a mile to a neighbor's house, to get help.  It doesn't take the investigation long to realize this was no accident, but homicide, and, within days, the kids are caught and convicted.

                                                               The two Charlies get life without parole. Erin gets about 40 years; she cannot leave prison till 2051, when she will be 59. They should have fried her sorry ass.  Trash girl friend Bobbi Johnson gets even less time.  To hell with her!

                                                                  Now, here is the corker! Over time, Terry, the father, has come to forgive not only his daughter, but the killers of his wife and sons.

                                                                   When Susan Sarandon played Sister Helen Prejean in "Dead Man Walking," and forgave Sean Penn, as Matthew Poncelet, on his death bed, she had the distance of not being related to him.  I could understand that. But when one of your own murders your own, taking them from you...well, that's why I would love to hear Sister Camille on this. If she says "Good for you, Terry," then all right.  And Terry has remarried and seems happy. He is so deserving, after what he has been through.

                                                                     I don't know if I cold be as emotionally generous as he!!!!!!!!

                                                                      How about it, girls???????????????????


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