Wednesday, March 19, 2014

What A Season Finale, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Last night's episode of "Rizzoli And Isles," the Season Finale, in fact, was entitled "You'll Miss Me When I'm Gone."  That was a poignant clue to what followed, for this was one of those episodes where crime took a back seat to personal drama.

                            To be sure, a crime took place, a Senator's daughter was murdered, execution style, with Homeland Security on tap, thinking she was being tailed for government secrets, when, in reality, she and her  other female colleagues were being raped by their boss, a high ranking Homeland exec, who got his!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             But that was the least of things.  The first things was that Lee Thompson Young's name was still on the credits, but Frost was not in the episode, and  something was said about his character being "on vacation."  OK, they can get away with that for one episode, maybe two, but what then?  It remains to be seen.

                             Things were nicely set up for Tommy to reform his Bad Boy image, get engaged to Lydia, make a home for she and T.J. And they get married.  Mama Angela was thrilled, and so was the party. Then, minutes later, we see Frankie and Tommy getting into a fight. Seems Tommy started drinking again, Lydia, found out, took T.J. and left.  So, now what is going to happen??????"?

                                And that is not all!!!!!!!  When Frankie and Tommy returned to Angela's, to nurse their wounds, and patch their sibling relationship up, Maura was on hand to aid things medically, and some sparks, on two occasions flew between she and Frankie.  Frankie has always had an interest an Maura---easy to understand, but, as Tommy rightly told him, she is high class, and he is blue collar, and never the two do mix!   Which set Frankie and Tommy at each other.

                                  But when Frankie had Maura check his lip on two occasions, even Jane sensed something, and cautioned Maura that Frankie falls hard, so not to trifle with his heart. Maura is no femme fatale, so I think she will stay away!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Meanwhile, Jane has issues of he own.  First, she got a note from Casey saying he has been giving a command job overseas, and he wants Jane there with him.  Jane will not go; she won't leave Boston, the job, her friends and family, to follow Casey around the world. And rightly so.  But, halfway through the episode, I heard Jane mutter something about discomfort in her stomach and I said "Uh, oh!!!!!!!!!"

                                         Well, darlings, I was right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Jane is pregnant!  With Casey's child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Looks like that child will be raised by a single mom, though with Angela, Frankie, Tommy, Maura, and even a visit from Hope, around, there will be no lack of family. And Casey will have to know sometime; how will he take the news???????????

                                            What a season capper!  But it only bodes for a season starter next time out, which will be in June!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Looking forward to it, with all my girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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