Wednesday, March 19, 2014

"When The Swallows Come Back To Capistrano, That's The Time I'll Be Coming Back To You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                           Yes, darlings, it is the first unofficial sign of Spring. Today is March 19th, and, according to legend and song, this is the day that the Swallows Of Capistrano return to their beloved California mission, from which they have been away since October 23. Now, I do not know what time they are due to arrive, but I know these birds are surely flying First Class!!!!!!!!!!! The hell with Coach!!!!!!

                             Which means Spring officially arrives in just two more days. Which is when Proserpina comes back from Hell.  So things up on Earth improve.  And let's hope they do, after the Winter we have had!  But, thinking ahead, I wonder--will all this snow bring us a cool Summer, or will it be a sizzler??????
Only time will tell.

                              So, let us welcome St. Joseph's Day, and the Swallows.

                              To do  it officially, here are the Ink Spots, doing the famous song!

                               Welcome Spring, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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