Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Congratulations, Donna Tartt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Girls, have you heard?  The latest word on the literary scene is that Donna Tartt has won this year's Pulitzer Prize For Fiction, for her 700 plus page opus, "The Goldfinch."  This will certainly bring new readers to Miss Tartt's work, though I have something to say about all this.

                             I bought "The Goldfinch" on the day of publication.   I tore through it. I enjoyed it.  But it did not come near to being "The Secret History," which is when, as a Donna Tartt fan, I have to come face to face with the acceptance that she will never write its like again.

                               That does not mean I will stop reading Donna Tartt.  As long as she publishes, I am there.  I do feel, however, that the prize is as much for the endurance of her work, "The Secret History," as a literary classic, as for the novel at hand.

                                   When her first novel appeared, and Donna was Flavor Of The Moment, I am not sure that novel was nominated for the Pulitzer.  Now, here is a chance to honor Donna on all counts.

                                       And she is certainly deserving of it all. Who knows; I may just reread "The Goldfinch" again.

                                       Mama Tay raised daughter Donna just fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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