Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Bye, Bye, Paula!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See You Next Season?????????????????????

                          You gotta hand it to Paula Zahn, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  For her seasonal wrap up, we did stay awake. She wore a shiny blue dress that looked like it was making its TV debut, and she was actually a teenysy weensy more animated--though some of her speeches were still delivered in what I still call that Diane Dykeman schoolgirl earnestnesss.

                              The story she covered was a compelling one.  Tom and Irene Kennedy.  Theirs was a loving marriage, and I think they came to each other after each had ended one.   Irene was 75, when she was killed by Martin Guy, a 44-year-old sicko, on December1, 1998 in Bird Park, near their home at Walpole. Massachusetts, where the Kennedys would do a morning walk.

                                  Irene was a little more in shape than her hubby, so at one point, they would deviate, and he would do a shorter wallk, and she a longer.  She always met him at the car within 15 minutes of his return, but, on that day, when more than 20 minutes went by, he knew something was wrong.  Sure enough--somewhere along her route, Irene was randomly ambushed, murdered, and sexually assaulted. She had also been stabbed 32 times, and strangled. Clearly, a case of overkill.

                                      Guy was a compulsive killer, rapist and sicko.  He was serving a life term for another killing, when he was convicted of Irene Kennedy.  And what's tragic, he had been targeting another woman who walked through the park, and had intended to kill her. But, when she did not show that day, and Irene did, compulsion and opportunity took over. Irene Kennedy was truly the ultimate unfortunate in being in the wrong place, at the wrong time!

                                        Which make Guy's action all the more heinous!  But this was certainly a compelling story, which managed to override Paula's dour delivery.

                                            Hey, I have a great idea for Guy's punishment. During his days, force him to stay awake watching episode after episode of Paula's shows.  That should drive him insane!

                                              Meanwhile, what of Paula?  Will she return to ID?  Or will end up, as some have predicted, on the Home Shopping Network??????????????????

                                                We'll find out next season, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great story regarding the Kennedy murder However at the end of it The daughter states she was left in the courtroom and only herself and the killer Martin Guy was in the room that all the deputies and court personnel etc were gone.
    Come one really? The deputies and any sheriffs that were involved etc left this defendant who was being held for the murder of a elderly woman was just left to his own devices sitting in a open courtroom that just happens to open to the street and who we know he has no issues with killing so what is to stop him from escaping?
    Frankly with her little "speech" she claims to have had with the defendant i believe he just wanted to come off as a tough a$$ because i just do not bnelieve this happened as said
