Monday, April 14, 2014

This Is SO Me, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Who would ever have thought the day would come when I would identify with a character portrayed by Angelina Jolie?????????  How I managed to miss "Girl, Interrupted," I don't know, but when I show you the clip I hope I am able to show--of the famous ice cream scene--you can see how easily I relate to her character of Lisa!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            That bitch, Mary Kay Place!   I would have reached right out, and smacked her across the face!  Just like I wanted to do during  our run-ins with the homophobic dog guy, last Fall, on 76th Street, in Bay Ridge; not to mention Nasty Hostess at Demarchelier, and don't forget our recent encounter--Monsieur and I--barely a month ago, with White Trash Bitch, at the Exton Mall, in Exton, PA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             When I showed my beloved Monsieur the scene you are about to see, and said, "Now, isn't that me?" he said, without hesitation, "Yes!"

                                 Like Angelina as Lisa, I don't suffer fools gladly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And they call her crazy??????????  I cannot wait to see "Girl, Interrupted" in its entirety!  I am sure there is much I have to learn from it!

                                 And everyone knows not to interrupt the Raving Queen!  Right, darlings????????????????

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